Tuesday, February 27, 2007


We interrupt this blog transmission for an important Bulawayo news alert. It has been alleged that around Bulawayo there have been sightings of strange but fascinating and gratifying phenomena’s that Australians don’t often see in coffee shops / cafes … LAYERED LATTE’S … News just in … our paparazzi have just given us photographic evidence …What joyous news for those lovers of coffee who live in Bulawayo.


Anonymous said...

Well...what do you know! After having such a detailed chat about the 'coffee' situation in Zim with Harry, I'm pleased to hear the great news! As a maker of coffee...i'm impressed by the layering and sure hope you can get your flat white too! Glad you're both having an adventurous time..hippos etc...love the blog! Miss you heaps...Nance

Anonymous said...

Well...what do you know! After having such a detailed chat about the 'coffee' situation in Zim with Harry, I'm pleased to hear the great news! As a maker of coffee...i'm impressed by the layering and sure hope you can get your flat white too! Glad you're both having an adventurous time..hippos etc...love the blog! Miss you heaps...Nance

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew & Jodi, Love the blog site, great to see what you have been up to including the Layered Latte, must try one when we come over..can't wait to see you both again Love Mum & Dad

Anonymous said...

Dude & Dudess
That is a fine looking coffee and you had to go all the way to my old hometown to find it! Well done!
In one post you have smashed the image people have of you suffering the hardships of Zim, now in our minds eye we will imagine you sitting at some poshnosh cafe sipping latte's!!!
Hey great posts guys, excellent pics and great stories, you've packed quite a bit of catch up in already.
I'm slacking off during Striders [over 70 tongiht] thanks to blowing my calf last week. Keep the posts rolling, we will not forget you.

God Bless, Stan

Anonymous said...

Great news about the layered latte's! I miss them lots, you have managed to find them in Zim and I haven't even found one in England yet!!!
Have they heard of skinny milk over there though Harry? It won't be the same otherwise!
Keep up the posts, its great to know you're ok and having a fun time.
Lots of love,
Cass (& Mike & Little'un)