Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Take a look at this!!!!!

Well, Jodi and I have finally found a house of our own … well not really ours, but we have found a house to rent. Rentals are a very rare commodity here in Bulawayo and we are soooo glad we have found this one. It is not too large and has all the things which we need (and want). The inside is a little worn and tired with HUGE cracks in the walls and VERY dirty walls, but the gardens and pool have been very well taken care of and it makes up for the inside. We have a nice sized main bedroom with ensuite, a room for Gabi and a room for any guests that may just pop in (this is a hint to any of our friends and family in OZ … just imagine a week or two in the Muller Manor Zimbabwe with most expenditures covered … one can only dream). The most bizarre feature of this house is that it has servants quarters on site; apparently this is the norm here in Zim … basically anyone who can afford to live in a house is expected to also afford a maid and gardener … all we need now is a person to blow a bugle and announce our names when ever we enter a room and we will be set.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi and Andrew. My name is Diana and I walk in the mornings with Jodi's grandma Esther at Albany Creek. I love hearing about what you have been doing and was thrilled to hear about little Gabi. She sounds a little darling and I love the photos of her. Best wishes in your new home with your new family.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. Umm. Can I apply for the position of bugler please? I can supply my own bugle, but I will need to inspect the servants quarters first, to see if the plasma screen is big enough.
Nice looking house. Consider the cracks to be creative ventilation... Keep the pics and news rolling!

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Nice house, I especially like the green carpet- very trendy!

Anyway jokes aside, Great to see God is looking after you guys and that you are both still trusting him in everything you do over there. I'm sure he has mnay more wonderful adventures and blessings in store for the rest of the year.

Should say hi more often, sorry. But I do pray and will continue to pray for you more often than I blog.

Love You Both.
God Bless
Bec Smith

Anonymous said...

G'day guys, glad to see that you are settling down well, looks like you could put a few of us up should we get the chance to come over & stay with you. We continue to pray for you as a family and miss you very much...All our love Mike,Cass & Mollie Walsh