Friday, March 17, 2006

Day Nine & Ten (Weekend # 2)

Today we had to awaken from our slumber early again … we had to be at the bus stop by 7.30am to catch our bus up to Gweru. We made it there in ample time and before we knew it we were on our way. Blue Arrow Busline is a very nice coach service, they have comfortable seats with ample leg room and they even served us biscuits and a choice of soft drink or mineral water. It only took about 2 hours to travel from Bulawayo to Gweru, not long at all. We were greeted by Dave Fergusson and his daughter Stacey, Dave is our main contact up in Gweru. It was a lovely drive back to his house to meet his wife Heather. The streets don’t have as many pot holes as Bulawayo and it seems a lot brighter and more colourful up here. In the afternoon, we attended the school sports day ... Jodi and I could not believe that the children actually turned up to a school event on a non school day, they train them well over here. It was quite a large event and many spectators lined the running track.

Bar the traveling and the sports day, not much really happened today. It was a nice day just to sit back and take in our new surroundings.

This morning we attended the New Life Centre church on Windsor Road. It was a great time to meet all of Ben and Sue Naude’s friends and find out their deep and darkest secrets. Ohh the stories we have to tell. We also met up with Pastor Ogden and his wife Peggy who founded the church many years ago. It was great to finally meet them as we have read their biography and found it to be quite inspiring. The people who fellowship at the New Life Centre are very nice and made us feel most welcome.

This evening we went to the local Baptist church and met up with Rogan, who is the Pastor of the church. There were only about 12 people including us, but we had a great time of fellowship and sharing. They are a very warm and welcoming bunch of people and we had a great time making new friends, sharing stories over a cup of tea after the service. They are currently in the process of building a new worship centre, it isn’t at lock up stage yet, but it has taken about 6 years to get it to this stage. They said that over the last 6 years they have had about 250 members leave because they have migrated out of Zimbabwe.

To blog or not to blog that is the question. Until next time.

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