Thursday, June 21, 2007

Keeping up with the Times

Jodi and I are now keeping up with the modern times and have updated our blogsite so everyone can see where people are logging in all around the world. If you want to have a look, just click on the world map under the “Archive” section on the right hand side of the screen. Thank you to our friends in Florida, UK and Brisbane who logged in yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm not in Florida, but in Southern Alabama, about 20 miles north of the Florida line. I admire your exploits, especially given the economic conditions.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Mike,Cass & Mollie here, back in good old England! We love to read about your latest exploits, we are very proud of you both in everything you are doing out there. We continue to pray for you at church and at in our home. We miss you guys so much and really pray that you continue to grow in strength and faith. We look forward to seeing you over here soon. All our love Mike,Cass & Mollie....